Users will be able to either take a photograph of the prescription or upload one from their photo gallery using the tool, which will be available on Google Lens. After analyzing the image, a Google official demonstrated how the software recognizes and highlights the medications indicated in the letter. During the event, Google displayed the functionality, showcasing its ability to precisely identify pharmaceuticals in a handwritten prescription. There is currently no information on the anticipated deployment date of the new text decoding capability; “much work remains to be done before this system is ready for the real world.” -Google 

In addition to recognizing items (such as products, plants, or animal species), Google Lens is an AI-powered multifunctional object identification application that can also translate languages. Even though the capability was reliant on how legible the handwriting was in experiments, the Google Lens app can already be used to transcribe handwritten notes digitally.  The business didn’t immediately disclose when it intended to make the new feature widely available, but it did point out that India has the most Google Lens users worldwide. The company’s annual South Asian market event, Google for India, features hundreds of innovations. In order to facilitate the online experience of the next millions of people in the South Asian market, the business has stated that it is working on a single, unified model to support over 100 Indian languages for both speech and text.