The Arc A750 is the second fastest GPU from the Arc A series. This SKU features the ACM-G10 chip from Intel powered by 8GB of GDDR6 VRAM over a 192-bit bus. Intel officialy put this GPU close to NVIDIA’s RTX 3060. The flagship, namely the A770 is considered to be on par with NVIDIA’s RTX 3060 Ti, although actual performance matches the 3070. Two test benches were utilized for accurate testing, based on the games used. The CPU used was Intel’s i9-12900K where the motherboard (Z690) varied depending upon the manufacturer. Surprisingly, Intel decided to use the new Windows 11 OS. We will have to see if a change in OS has an impact on performance once Arc releases. All games tested were using either the DX12 or the Vulkan API, which unsurprisingly Intel prefers. The 1080p Ultra and 1440p High preset were used to show the differences at various resolutions. On average, the A750 was 3-5% faster than the 3060. The games that didn’t feature in-game benchmarks were repeatedly tested in similar scenarios across both the systems.  It seems as if Intel also loves relative performance charts. The A750 falls behind in a few games by a margin of around 25%. Although, at the other extreme end, it takes the lead against Ampere by around ~20%. Seems decent for a 1st gen GPU. The A750 at 1080p Ultra, is around 1.25% faster than the 3060 (all games included). Moving on to 1440p High, we see Intel beat NVIDIA by around ~4%. Now bear in mind that on other games (Running on the DX11 API), the performance can change massively.  Moving over to Vulkan, only 6 games were tested. Here Intel is 4% faster than the 3060 at 1080p. Do note, you wont exactly play many e-sports titles such as Dota 2 at the highest possible settings, so your mileage may vary. Ryan Shrout assures the fans that these games were not cherry picked and to be fair, they are among the most played games on Steam and other platforms. This doesn’t mean that all games will feature such performance because Intel is facing a quote unquote driver issue, if you may.  These GPUs are set to arrive sometime in Q3 2022 (Intel only has 50 days left). Now we do not know if this points towards a global lauch, although, Intel yet again promised a possible global launch by the end of 2022. 

Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 67Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 73Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 22Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 31Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 48Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 5Intel Arc A750 Officially Tested in Over 45 Games Against the RTX 3060 - 51