Given below are the detailed steps that need to be followed while creating a professional music website in 2019.

The Name of the Website and the Web Space

One of the major things while making a professional music website is to buy adequate webspace, also known as web hosting. This particular space is like online storage where one can keep their files. A website cannot be completed without a webspace. Most of the web spaces available cost a lot of money for additional services like hosting an unlimited number of websites. However, some do not charge anything for that. For a musician who is planning to create more websites in the future, choosing the latter would be a better option. Here, however, the discretion of the user is to be used. One should choose a web space that will allow them to choose a domain name for free when they sign up required for hosting is done. The domain name is basically the address of the website that people type when someone is searching for that particular website. Therefore, having a good domain name will make it easier for people to remember the website and it may just be an identification mark to find the page later online. Therefore, the name should be chosen very carefully and after consideration.


In a decent webspace website service, one needs to check for the availability of the new website. Once chosen and clicked on it, the option to choose the domain name usually follows after. After choosing the name as per the choice, if the service is free, no extra charges will be asked.After that, generally, the duration of the web hosting needs to be accounted. Generally, the rate is lower for longer periods. For a musician who is looking to promote the page for publicity, choosing the longest plans is generally best.If domain privacy service is available, users may want to use that for keeping the owner of the page anonymous. For a musician, this is generally a bad idea.

Content Management System

The very next step after choosing a webspace and the domain name is to properly choose CMS or Content Management System. The CMS is basically the tool which will create, design, providing editing option and create the functioning of the website. Few of the best CMS available are basically free, and a musician need not worry about spending money on buying one.


Once logged in to the CMS account, the dashboard will be displaying the current status, the name of the website, the details of login, the website layout, and many more. It normally takes a minute or two but a musician will be able to set up their own website as per their choice.Once the entire website details are set up, the user will need to log in again for security details. Further editing is also possible after logging in. The login can be done from any device and from any place as long as the user has a stable internet connection and is aware of the user ID and password. This will come in handy for musicians as they can travel the world for concerts and shows and still be connected to their fans via the website.Additional options include adding a blog, new pages, plug-ins, media, music tracks, videos of performances, and many more.

Note: If you’re looking for other platforms to choose from, check these best website builder reviews provided by web experts.

Adding a Professional Touch to the Website

At this point, a musician will have a personal music website. However, in 2019, it is important that one starts it off by making the website look more professional. The work needed is actually easier than people may think. One need not necessarily hire a designer to get it done for them. Knowing a few basic tricks will do the work just fine. For instance, the theme of the website can be changed in customization. Whether they are pre-given themes or they need to be created externally, the user needs to choose one that will actually suit the type of music the user has in mind. Even though premium themes are actually better than the pre-given ones, it isn’t necessary to spend after them. Since the main aim of the theme is to give the visitors a good first impression, anything that matches with the music style of the user will automatically do the work. The layout and the editing options are more for the paid ones, but one can customize their personal themes too. So unless it is necessary, or the user is not limited to the budget, staying with the pre-given ones will be more than enough.


Whether it is a paid theme or a free one, the setting up process is exactly the same. In the dashboard, one can search for looks or appearances and they will find the option of themes available there.Up next will be the option of choosing themes. One can either install the free ones from the themes available or upload their own, in case they have paid themes to apply.After successfully choosing a theme that the user likes, simply activating it will do the trick. The website will be instantly updated with a suitable theme and will give the website a more professional look.

That’s all one needs to do to set up their own professional music website. When the website looks nice, it will automatically attract attention. For building the website further, one just needs to add pages on it. The profile of a musician will surely grow in a well presented professional music website.

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