Fan Creates Super Mario RTX on the Unreal Engine 5

A gameplay video was shared by Funkyzeit Games, late last month, featuring their Mario fanmade game. It was basically a darker, more scary recreation of the Super Mario series mechanized by the Unreal Engine 5 and its features. As one can see, this unique approach toward the Mario concept and aesthetics looks quite enthralling. It ultimately makes us wonder about the visuals of the next proper entries in the series by Nintendo.

The trailer starts off pretty ominously. We’re normally introduced to the happy-go-lucky Mario Soundtrack developed in-house at Nintendo by the esteemed composer Koji Kondo, but that’s entirely missing from the Mario RTX game. Instead, we’re introduced to dead silence with the only sound consisting of Mario’s footsteps. Slowly, we get introduced to a soundtrack that features some ominous ambiance. As for the setting, it seems to be pretty strange in contrast to what we’re used to in Mario games. We have small palm trees in what looks to be a tropical setting, but at least we get an appearance from the Mystery blocks in the game. After jumping on a few blocks, Mario gets his iconic White Tanooki power upgrade that changes his color scheme from Red and Blue to Red and White, granting him the ability to throw fireballs at goombas. At first, the game seems to look creepy but fairly harmless. The goombas just stare at Mario appearing relatively docile for that matter. But things take a turn when Mario throws a fireball and one Goomba erupts in flames. The other seems to flee the scene but Mario stomps on it causing blood to splatter everywhere. This is not the Super Mario we remember. Mario continues on his rampage and begins to destroy structures causing a Koopa Troopa to fly out of the small hut. A trapped Koopa Troopa innocently waves at Mario but ends up being set on fire and Mario casually walks off as the Koopa Troopa cries out with bloodcurdling screams, unable to escape its doomed fate. Mario then steadily speeds up to a straight that leads to a castle gapped by a pit of lava. But it’s not just any castle, it’s the main antagonist of the series, Bowser’s castle. The ominous lighting makes it clear that Mario is heading right into the depths of danger. As Mario hurls himself towards the castle, we see Bowser looking relatively worried in a cutscene with his jaw dropped to the floor. Bowser doesn’t seem prepared for what’s coming next and we’re introduced to Mario from the front with a dead stare and glowing eyes. He’s charging up a fireball mid-air to supposedly take out Bowser. Blood is splattered over Mario’s White Kanooki outfit and it seems pretty clear this far into the trailer that it’s Mario who’s the main villain in the concept trailer. The screen then fades and introduces us to a Mario RTX Logo. The trailer seems to give us an interesting take on the Mario Franchise. We’ve always been given a portrayal of Mario as the benevolent and caring hero to the story while Bowser always tries to disrupt the peace and tranquility of the Mushroom Kingdom by ensuing chaos and kidnapping Princess Peach. It was fun to see the opposite happening in this scenario. Maybe Mario just lost his mind or he’d been fed up with not putting Bowser out of his misery.  The trailer presents us with an interesting Mario concept that could be fun to play that is if it delves into a deeper and richer storyline, but we know that will never happen considering Funkyzeit only releases concept videos and the fact that Nintendo is always ready with the lawsuit hammer in hand for whenever a fan-production project comes out into the public. This is what the creator of the creepy horror version of the Mario game had to say about his creation: According to the comments, viewers of this trailer are quite eager to play this fresh, albeit violent and shadowy take on the game. As it seems, more than the usual bit of time has passed since the release of the latest entry in the Super Mario Bros. series. Right after the release of Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury on the Nintendo Switch was launched by Nintendo, about which Rosh had quite a few good words to say: We hope Nintendo doesn’t order a cease and desist letter to the creator of the fan game. The title looks amazing showcasing the capabilities of the Unreal Engine 5 and giving us a gritty twist on all things Super Mario. But Nintendo doesn’t take lightly to custom roms or fan-made games for that matter. So, unfortunately, the game might get taken down soon. And that’s pretty much it for today’s news. What do you think of the Super Mario RTX fan game? Let us know in the comments below. We upload daily on Appuals, so stay tuned for more. Till then, see you later and goodbye.