Although the release of No Man’s Sky on Switch might not seem particularly momentous to existing players, however, the 4.0 update will add a lot of new features to the game. According to Hello Games, this update is the “biggest generational jump so far” for the game. It adds a number of noteworthy changes, such as an upgraded inventory, a new relaxed mode, an increased level maximum for veteran space travelers, and a simplified save system. Given that the game will now be played on a portable device, many of changes are being made such that it is simpler to pick up and start playing the game.

🤯Switch😎Relaxed Mode❤️Overhauled Inventories💉Revamped UI🪐Improved Missions💪Tons of QoL🧑‍🚀Level Cap Increase👩‍🔧Custom Game Mode🦑Info Portal🌠New Milestone System🦾Increased Challenge🧬Crafting Improved🛰️Commerce Shuttle👽New Collectibles Out Now — Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) October 7, 2022 The developer has worked to combine all of its previous content into a more seamless gaming experience by implementing this update, which carries out a thorough adjustment to both the game’s balance and its structure, along with multiple quality-of-life improvements. The update places a greater emphasis on laying the groundwork for the game’s continued development in the years to come. According to Hello Games ” The leap from version 3.0 to 4.0 is perhaps our biggest generational jump so far. It’s an exciting moment, and marks a solid foundation for future updates ”  The new Relaxed Mode attempts to provide a more simplified, speedier, and a shorter way to experience the game’s expansive space setting. Each player may tailor their experience with the game by switching to a custom game mode and adjusting the difficulty, graphics, audio, and other options to suit their preferences. Long-term players will benefit from a reworked inventory system that significantly raises level caps for ships, weapons, and people. Additionally, a new information portal will break down all of your accomplishments and goals, which is helpful if you are a fan of the Game Save system.